Hear from the community on what they have to say about Adrian.
"I am proud to support my neighbor, Adrian Tam, because he has brought our neighborhood closer and has taken good and thoughtful care of the community. He has demonstrated to me and his neighbors that his priority is for us, the people.I cannot wait to cast my ballot for Adrian Tam."
- Charlie St. Sure, District 24 resident, Moiliili

"I've had the pleasure of knowing and collaborating with Adrian Tam since 2018, when he took a sincere interest in my concerns around Oahu's air traffic noise and helped open doors to have my community's voice heard at the state capitol. From my time working with him, I know Adrian to be caring, hardworking and deeply committed to supporting progressive initiatives that help the people, ecology, and economy of Hawaii. He has stood bravely as a voice for inclusion and equality, helping write legislation banning conversion therapy for Hawaii's LGBTQ community, and has been an active participant working for the betterment of my home-district. Adrian takes the time to listen to community concerns and I am confident he will be valuable asset as a State Representative."
- Malia Nolan, Community Advocate

""Since being elected, Rep. Tam has continued to outperform expectations from myself and the community. Not only has he secured major funding for the neighborhood, but he has organized events and town halls to bring the community closer together. I want him to continue to serve our neighborhood and I’m proud to support him in his re-election."
- Kyle Vidal, District 24 resident, Waikiki

"It is refreshing to see a candidate like Adrian release several policy proposals on public health and disease prevention/control. It is clear that Adrian has put a lot of thought into his proposals, and I believe he would be an asset to the state as a State Representative."
- Jacob Schafer, Hawaii-based epidemiologist.
I support Adrian because he brings new ideas and a fresh perspective to complex challenges. As someone who works in public health and homelessness, I appreciate his strong policy background and ability to get things done.
- Trish La Chica, Public Health Advocate

I am voting for Adrian Tam, Hawaii State Representative, House District 24, to his second term at the State Capitol representing Waikiki, McCully, Moiliili, and Ala Moana. He is responsive and committed, more than ever, to his constituents and has the energy and drive to continue to be a civil servant who accomplish es much because he is full of energy and vitality. Adrian cares, and is working tirelessly, for the same things we want: Healthcare, homelessness, affordable housing, minimum wage, new economic opportunities, and human rights, no matter what party you are affiliated with For the first time, bills were just passed to extend Ohana Zones, establish penalties for catalytic theft, and dedicate a historic $600,000.00 into housing the thousands of Native Hawaiians on Department of Hawaiian Homelands waitlist.
- Karen Hunter, District 24 Resident, Waikiki
I’m supporting Adrian Tam because of his proven track record to supporting my community. While others identify the problem, he seeks and comes up with solutions. I hope my fellow neighbors will cast their vote for Adrian.
- Louis Gladeria, District 24 Resident, Moiliili

I voted for Adrian in 2020, and I’m proudly voting for him again because he kept his word on supporting legislation for our community. He is honest and cares about me and our neighborhood.
- John Bickle, District 24 Resident, Waikiki